The Laeotropic Aspect

Assorted Bits and Pieces

Metafilterian-Produced Calendar of Silly Observances - from this thread. WCityMike needed a place to host the file, and I offered. It's an iCalendar file, but it doesn't play too nice with Google Calendar for holidays defined as 'last x of the month,' for example.

Undergraduate Work - Near Eastern Archaeological Bits and Pieces

Note that most of these have been whittled down to abstracts and bibliographies.

Amber: An archaeolgical overview of European amber trade, relating partially to Etruria.
Planier 3: Regarding the never-entirely-published Planier 3 shipwreck. This ship was a 1st century CE Roman ship with a wide route.
Resin:Regarding the trade and use of Terebinth and Frankincense, terse.
Tin: As above, with tin.

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