Laeotropic Things
You have no idea what 'laeotropic' means, do you?
'Laeotropic' means turning towards the left, sinistral, or anti-clockwise. It is most commonly used when talking about
things from the ocean, such as egg-sacs and occasionally shells. Mostly egg-sacs. What I mean by it is that I, too,
am a left-turning creature, a long time from the ocean.
Other things that turn towards the left include:
- Bats, when exiting caves.
- Most planets in our solar system.
- Dakshinavarti Shankh, a Vedic symbol represented by a rare left-handed conch.
- Lightning Whelks, a far more commonly left-handed shell.
- Some other shell examples.
- The egg cases of Acanthodoris pilosa. (I may be incorrect about this.)
- The stairwell in Ferniehirst (Kerr) Castle, Scotland, ascending, turns towards the left. It is said that they, like I, were left-handed and would have had an advantage defending the castle if the stairwells were built that way.
There are many things in nature and art which turn anticlockwise, or laeotropically.
I had a hard time representing this in my logo. I chose instead to make a point that the
laeotropic aspect of the wave, that is, the left side, was aberrant. This is very often true; many things which
are left-dominant are historically, and even still in science sometimes, seen as faulty.
The current theories for handedness are favoring a theory that sinistral people are *lacking* a gene, rather than
having a specific one, or that there was damage to our DNA. At the same time we have some natural defenses;
arguably we are more naturally ambidextrous, which I see as an advantage. It has been argued that the sides of
our brains communicate better because of this. As for that 'left-handed people are more creative' crock, I give
you no look at my artwork. As I once said to someone that I consider important, in a massive blunder, "I can't paint."
There is a much better lot of information on handed-ness at
Lorin's Left-handedness site.
For your interest, in my immediate family going up to my great-grandmother, on both sides,
about half of us are left-handed.
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